Thursday, July 15, 2010

Solving Knee Problems

Like to do squats? Been doing them for awhile? Have pain in your knees? Well there might be a reason...

You might be(and probably are) doing your squats wrong.

Take a look at your squat.

  1. Are your knees going forward past your toes?

  2. Hips not moving?

  3. Bending/curving of the back?

  4. Going way down to the ground?

  5. Weight on the balls of your feet?

  6. Feel like you're going to fall forward?

If you answered yes to some or all of those, you are more than likely doing squats wrong. Why is this a problem? When proper squats are performed, you lessen or eliminate stress on the knees while engaging the hamstrings and glutes. If done incorrectly, you create a compressive shearing force on your knees that over time will wear down your meniscus and lead to possible arthritic conditions.

How do you fix it?

Widen out your stance. Keep your knees behind your toes so your shins are vertical. Torso is upright and chest up. And hips/butt go out and down, just like you are sitting down on a chair that's a little far away.

Try squatting onto a bench or chair to practice. Take this approach to squatting to your daily life, such as sitting and getting up out of a chair or any other motion that involves squatting and or bending down.

Your knees will thank you for it.

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